Saturday, October 14, 2006

Apple Day

The weather was fine and the community orchard was buzzing for the annual apple day today.

It was a vey enjoyable day! My apple was identified (I say mine, my neighbour actually donated it, good of them). It was a massive Howgate Wonder. The book, that the very knowledgable lady had, said it was only of fair quality but the ones on sale there were described as sweet and pleasant which I prefer. I ate apple quish. It was so good I nearly had another helping but then I saw the puddings and chose two of them which were both outstanding. I also sampled some gorgeous, sweet apples.

1 comment:

caprenter said...

Yes! It was a really good day.
Our apple (also a friends) was identified as a Lane's Prince Albert - a good cooker, introduced in 1840. Some more info:

Maybe we should have a list and start mapping where these trees are to preserve this apple heritage?