Friday, April 28, 2006

Up on the roof

..well not really 'cos that wouldn't be safe, but the roof went up on the shelter at the orchard today - with the help of the step ladders. It was a bit of a job trying to get it right first time, but eventually it went up just in time.

In other news, the first of blossom was showing, the garlic was coming up. Other people worked on small vegetable plots within the orchard.

There was also some bizarre work, drilling holes in plastic cups. Not for use on the orchard - you'll have to wait and see what use they'll be put to.

Lots of people out today, well there were lots of teas and coffees to make at lunch anyway and not much room in the minibus - 14 at least.

Next task is on Sunday 2nd May - find out what the cups will be used for then!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Lakeside Residential

We spent two days at the beginning of the month at Lakeside Ymca on the shores of windermere. Lakside provided accommodation and food in exchange for our efforts at deer fencing an area of woodland (to enable regeneration of the trees). There were 18 of us and we completed about 100m of fence, including some awkward fact we were retrofitting an exisiting fence which had its pros and cons. Although the sun shone on saturday we all got a bit soggy on sunday...